Posts Tagged software junkie

Amateur Software Reviews for the Stupid #1 TeraCopy

I have a confession to make.  No, I am not a drunkard, a drug addict, a man beater or a sex addict!  I am something worse, a software junkie!  In order to work through my ‘addiction’ I will post amateur reviews of software that I find indispensable!    My criteria:

1.  Stupid proof.  Yes stupid proof, in other words is it highly intuitive to the point that you can basically get the gist of the software and its’ basic usage quickly(usually within minutes of using it)?  It’s sort of like that commercial, ‘set it and forget it’!   While you don’t have to know the many complex usages a piece of software has; if you can’t use it right away and are constantly flummoxed by its’ basic use, don’t buy or use it!

2.  Licensing!  This is important!  Some programs offer lifetime licenses for the ‘life’ of the product(my favourite!).  Some upgrade so infrequently to major versions that it is like having a lifetime license(if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!), sans the minor bugs in the software which are fixed and downloadable for free.  I despise the ones where you have to ‘activate’ the product online.  Some can’t be helped like Microsoft Office and Adobe.  However there are alternates(another post)!Now with that out of the way on to my first review.

TeraCopy is an excellent piece of software.  There is little or no learning curve in regards to its’ basic functions.  Any thing more complex can be learned whilst tweaking the software.  It is indispensable due to the fact that you can send your important files to a storage device; or most files for that matter.  If there are limits to the files you can move around,  I haven’t found any, not that that means anything.   It can also be accessed on the right click menu so you don’t have to open the program in order to move files.  Just right click on the file or folder in question.  A dialog box will pop up and give the options of copying the files or moving them to another folder or drive(storage).  If you have already moved the file to that same area, it will give you the option of overwriting it or leaving it.   There is a free version and a Pro version:

Right click and send elswhere!

You can move files around within the Explorer! Yipee!!!!

I purchased mine from a discount site called ‘Bits du Jour”:

This is a site which offers deals with up to 90%(rare, but at least 50%in most cases) off the price of the software!  I try to get discounts on everything and will scour the internet to do so.  In many instances I am successful!  Anywho, until the next time.

Dumfucks of the world unite!  Err what?

Herneith 2011!

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